Do you ship worldwide?

We offer free worldwide deliveries on all orders.

Do prices include import duties, taxes, and customs fees?

Yes, all import duties, taxes, and customs fees are included in the listed price on our website. There are no extra fees for the customer to pay!

Is there any delivery guarantees? What if my order does not arrive?

Yes. If 12 days have gone by with no updates from the provided tracking, please email us on [email protected] with your order number. We will send out a replacement of your original order or a full refund of your purchase.

Which currency will I be charged in?

We process all orders in USD.

Is the checkout on this site safe and secure?

All purchases made on ZipLocker is done using a secure third party payment processor. You can be absolutely sure that all purchases here are safe and secure.

I submitted an order, but I did not receive any confirmation e-mail about my order yet. What should I do?

Please first check if you entered the correct e-mail address. The order confirmation is always sent to the e-mail address which is specified at ordering.

If this e-mail address is correct, then you should check whether your order confirmation went to the spam folder of your inbox.

If you did not receive any confirmation e-mail within a few hours of placing your order, please contact our Customer Support Service on our email [email protected].

What are the methods of payment in your online shop?

You can pay via credit or debit card.

How do I return or exchange my order?

We want you to be completely happy with your purchase. If you aren’t satisfied, you can return your product for a full refund within 30 days of the delivery date. For more details please go to refund policy.

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